The main aim of Toscana Nastri is the achievement of full customer satisfaction, ensuring the supply and manufacturing of products that meets the specific requirements of the customers. This objective has driven our company to obtain – since 1998 – the Quality Management System, which complies to the current ISO 9001: 2015 Regulation. Certification of your quality management system demonstrates our commitment to consistency, continual improvement and customer satisfaction. The ISO 9001 standard provides specific requirements for a quality management system that enhance our ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet customer – as well as statutory and regulatory requirements.
The compliance of materials and services is guaranteed by continuously monitoring, control and check of the goods supplied, of suppliers (Identifying and selecting key suppliers) and of the processings, including after-sales services, as well. For Toscana Nastri, the ISO 9001: 2015 certification is not simply a distinctive element to improve the company image, but a management system that drives and stimulates us every day to constantly ensure the quality of our products and services.